Hey moviegoers!
Let's take a look at what movies are playing in town between November 30th and December 6th.
Speaking Out Against Violence collection
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Monday, November 30 @ 7
Location: Women’s Community Space, YWCA Halifax (1233 Barrington)
Behind the Scenes: Part of the 20-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women. Twenty years after the Montreal Massacre, the December 6th Planning Committee will launch a 20-day campaign to end violence against women and honour the 14 women who tragically lost their lives on December 6, 1989.
December 6th was declared by parliament as the “National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women” following the murder of 14 women at L’Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal in 1989. Remembering this horrific event has become the basis of recognizing and supporting united action against the widespread violence committed against women.
The Movie:
- After the Montreal Massacre - December 6, 1989. Sylvie Gagnon was attending her last day of classes at Ecole Polytechnique, an engineering school in Montreal, when Marc Lepine entered the building. Systematically separating the women from the men, he opened fire on women students, yelling "you're all a bunch of feminists." Sylvie survived a bullet wound to the head while fourteen other women were murdered.
- Vienna Tribunal - This video is a living testimony that dramatically captures the abuses women suffer. Highlighted are the moving and gut-wrenching personal stories of women from around the world who testified before a panel of judges at the Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Human Rights during the UN World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna. A contemporary and highly relevant program that speaks to the new and growing interest internationally in women's human rights issues.
For more info... http://www.ywcahalifax.com/events.php?page=events_wcs&view=grid&yyyymm=200911&event_date=30

What on Earth?
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Monday, November 30th @ 7
Location: CBC Radio Room (1599 South Park)
Behind the Scenes:
The Movie:
- WHAT ON EARTH, 1966! NFB classic comedy animation. A classic blast from the past - Martians look for intelligent life on Earth with comic results...
- WHAT ON EARTH, 2009 - someone's still looking... Suzanne Taylor's documentary about crop circles and the accompanying cast of characters...
Whether taken as a contemporary folk expression of pop cultural iconography, or as evidence of intelligent non-human communication, the circles are spectacular huge-scale works of landscape sculpture. Seen from the air as they are in much of this film, the scale and complexity of the works can be taken in much more easily - they are clearly intended to be best appreciated from an altitude. No matter what you think the cause may be, the breathtaking visual aethetic effect is worth taking in.
For more info... http://facebook.com/event.php?eid=186132178053 and http://culturalproduct.com

Rethink Afghanistan
Cost: By donation
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 1 @ 7:30
Location: Room 224, Student Union Building, Dalhousie University (6136 University)
Behind the Scenes: Please come to watch this important new film “Rethink Afghanistan” by Brave New Foundation. Donations appreciated. Organized by Halifax Peace Coalition, Student Coalition Against War and NSPIRG.
The Movie: Rethink Afghanistan is a 2009 documentary about the ongoing war in Afghanistan. This full-length documentary campaign features experts from Afghanistan, the U.S., and Russia discussing critical issues like military escalation, how escalation will affect Pakistan and the surrounding region, the cost of war, civilian casualties, and the rights of Afghan women.
For more info... http://facebook.com/event.php?eid=195444112640 & http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/

A Sea Change
Cost: $5 donation
Date/Time: Friday, December 4 @ 7
Location: Burke Theatre, Saint Mary's University
Behind the Scenes: We know that rising greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are affecting the climate, but how are they affecting the oceans that cover 70% of the Earth and play an essential role in regulating our oxygen levels and sustaining us? A Sea Change: Imagine a World Without Fish explores this question. The answer makes immediate action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions imperative. Following the screening will be a Q&A session with researchers working on climate change, impacts on the developing world and fisheries. Presented by Ecology Action Centre and St.Mary’s University International Activities Office.
The Movie: The film follows Sven Huseby, a retired history teacher, as he tries to understand what ocean acidification means. Speaking with oceanographers, marine biologists, climatologists, and artists, Sven discovers that global warming is only half the story of the environmental catastrophe that awaits us. Excess carbon dioxide is dissolving in our oceans, changing sea water chemistry. The more acidic water makes it difficult for tiny creatures at the bottom of the food web to form their shells. The effects could work their way up to the fish 1 billion people depend upon for their source of protein.
For more info... http://facebook.com/event.php?eid=181652141055 & http://www.ecologyaction.ca/content/film-screening-sea-change-imagine-world-without-fish
That's it for this week. See you at the cinema!