Doug B won our contest but generously gave his tickets to boyfriend Richard S. Here's Richard's review:
"Having seen both “Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog” and “Serenity” before, I went to the theatre, roommate in tow, prepared to be delighted and entertained by the double feature. When I arrived at the theatre, there was already a sizable line of expectant movie-goers waiting for admittance. Rather than being an off-putting experience, it added to the anticipation. Most people attending were talking amongst themselves and had obviously seen at least one, if not both, of the movies before. Die-hard fans could be spotted by their Jayne Hats – garish knit toques with ear-flaps made to look like the hat a character in “Serenity” received from his mother in one episode of the TV series “Firefly”- or dressed as their favourite character.The event was well attended, with few empty spots in the upper tier of seating. The organizers were good natured and provided pre-show entertainment, singing “The Ballad of Jayne Cobb” accompanied by the ukelele. Free t-shirts were also lobbed at the crowd, which resulted in a particularly athletic display as one patron vaulted over the railing for the stairs in order to secure some swag for himself.
The first movie, Dr. Horrible, began with a cheer from the crowd, many of whom chanted “Play!” as the DVD menu was projected on the screen. A goodly proportion of the audience also sang along as Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion once more surprised me with their singing abilities. If you've seen Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog before, you can take it from me that seeing it on big screen makes it that much better. If you haven't, then I totally suggest that you go out and watch it so you can realize how much you missed out.After Dr. Horrible, there was a brief intermission where the audience was briefly decimated by the need for concession and bathroom breaks. The opening credits for “Serenity” were also met with a great cheer from the crowd. After seeing “Serenity” now for the third time in theatre and the umpteenth time in total, I'm still not certain what my favourite part is. Summer Glau's character, River, has got to be one the biggest highlights. She goes from an unusual and unsettled young girl whose only response to a high-speed chased culminating in a near-crash experience is to say that she swallowed a bug, to an unusual young girl who can totally kick some ass. The writing is also in contention for favourite part of the movie. The banter between the characters and the juxtaposition of that humour with a bleak situation makes for an entertaining movie. The cast also helps to maintain the suspension of disbelief necessary for science fiction. Their chemistry is such that you can easily let yourself believe in the story for that hour and a half."
Well said.
Thanks again to Hal-Con for giving us the tickets!
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Hal-Con folks were glad to donate - thanks for the fab review!