- "Laüghed my Aushwitz off!" - Dianna P
- "I liked it better than I thought I would. It was gütsy, brave and full of camp. I think Cohen is a a real performance artist." - Lisa C
- "Fabulously vülgar!" - M.K.
- "Thumbs üp!" - Jun W
- "Decadent! Vulgar! Smashing! Cohen creates, once again, a crafty satire that pokes fun at pop cülture. Like the groups he's trying to parody, he's shameless with the execution! If you want a good summer romp, give Brüno a chance!" - Mark M
- "Absolütely fabulous! This was the best fashion-themed movie!" - Curtis C
- "Saw it for the second time ünd it was even better!" - Jason
- "I really liked the swinging penis." - Jerry
- "Great! Lots of laughs!" - Terry
- "Brüno rocked! Had a great time, Sacha Baron Cohen was amazing. When is the next movie?" - Rhonda W
- "Great movie. Thanks for inviting me." - Christopher
- "It was great!" - Bonnie
- "If I was Brüno, when the Alabama pastor said 'These lips are for praising Jesüs,' I would have said, 'Jesus? I don't know him but he's a very lucky guy!'" - Yongmin
- "The one thing I like most about Cohen's movies is the uncomfortable feeling he produces in people and the anger he provokes makes the audience (and hopefully the people in the movies, assuming they see it) think about how ridiculous so many of our cultural norms are." - Daniel
Well, it was a great movie and some great socializing at the local Dairy Queen afterwards. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it! See you at the next movie. ...which is actually Friday.... More on that tomorrow.
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