- "Great to see Dillinger's life portrayed on film." - Kim C
- "I almost cried at the end. Likable characters despite the obvious." - Mimi C
- "My expectations were too high. It was too long and the plot seemed to be missing." - Daniel P & Yongmin L
- "...a bad movie can generate a lot of discussion and camraderie amonst its audience." -Kirk F
- "The whole film was in the last 30 minutes." - Patricia
- "It was more of a character study than a movie." - Lisa C
- "Wasn't a fan of the cinematography." - Cathy
A full review:
"Obviously Michael Mann is truly trying to score with Oscar this year. Has anyone told him that documentary-style cinematography went out with the last century? Johnny depp; very good and Marion Cotillard delivers a solid performance against Depp. Christian bale is underused and Billy Crudup is not too bad as J. Edgar Hoover. There are enough cameos to rival 'The Last Action Hero.' 5 out of 10 for a half-assed attempt to tell a half-hearted story." -Mark M
What's next?
A poll will go up on the evening of Wednesday, July 8th. The hint is "I Love Brüno and Harry and the Humpday Locker." Voting will continue until 10 p.m. on Monday, July 13th.
And don't forget the special outing to see Mamma Mia on July 24th.
Until next time,
Kirk F
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