- Gripping, relevant. It made me cry. The main character, James, was brilliant. Very moving. - Lisa
- A riveting character-driven story that shows truth about war and life. Director Kathryn Bigelow delivers, once again a gripping story that leaves you on the edge of your seat - building up an ending that will leave you wondering about our characters. Drama! Intrigue! Irony! - Mark
- Good! - Jun Xian
- Well, my heart was in my throat the whole time. The adrenaline was running so high I could hardly walk, breathe, whatever. I thought it was a good movie which gave me a better understanding of what it must be like to be in a war. And thinking of the people in war now - how sad, horrible, terrible. Much compassion and a bit of understanding of the mind of the hero. - Theresa
- Disturbing; intense but liberating. - Kim
- Thumbs up! - Nicky
- As realistic as it gets without being there. Great. - Jerry
So that was The Hurt Locker. Look for our next poll to be up on Saturday, August 8th for a Tuesday, August 18th showing.
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