Hey moviegoers and film fans!
There's a lot happening in Halifax over the next few months for you! Lots of indie screenings and movies-with-discussions. Let's see how we wrap up the first month of 2010, shall we?
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Sunday, January 24th @ 1:30
Location: Potter auditorium, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building (6100 University)
Behind the Scenes: Presented by Business Alliance for Local Living Economoies NS, Farmers’ Market Investment Cooperative and Dalhousie University's College of Sustainability. Panel discussion to follow with refreshments from Halifax Farmers’ Market.
The Movie: In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.
For more info... http://sustainability.dal.ca/Files/Food_Inc-_Invite.pdf

Cost: $10
Date/Time: Monday, January 25 @ 5:30
Location: Park Lane (5657 Spring Garden Rd)
Behind the Scenes: Part of Advertising Week 2010
The Movie: ART & COPY reveals the stories behind and the personal odysseys of some of the most influential advertising visionaries of our time and their campaigns, including Lee Clow (Apple Computer 1984, and today's iPod); Dan Wieden ("Just Do It"); Phyllis K. Robinson (who invented the "me generation" with Clairol); Hal Riney (who helped President Reagan get re-elected); and George Lois (who saved MTV and launched Tommy Hilfiger overnight).
For more info... http://bit.ly/artandcopyhfx
Cost: $5 donation
Date/Time: Monday, January 25 @ 7
Location: St. Andrews United Church (6036 Coburg Rd)

Behind the Scenes: Presented by St. Andrew's United Church and the Halifax Shambhala Sustainability Initiative
People of many faiths around the world recognize our sacred Earth is in grave danger. The communities of St. Andrew’s United Church and the Halifax Shambhala Centre have joined to explore the deep connections between Spirit and Earth in a new cooperative film series, Sacred Earth Awake. We invite you to share these films with us and aspire to a broader understanding of how to live together in our precious world.
The Movie: In a world teetering on the edge of self-destruction, award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper sets out on a unique pilgrimage. Visiting the 'Ground Zeros' of the planet, he asks if it's possible to find hope in the darkest moments of human history. ScaredSacred deftly weaves together stunning footage with haunting memories, inspirational stories, and an evocative soundscape. An exquisite portrait of a search for meaning in times of turmoil.
For more info... http://halifax.shambhala.org/eventdetails.php?id=4262
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 26 @ 7

Location: Royal Bank Theatre, Halifax Infirmary, QEII
Behind the Scenes: Part of States of Mind 2010: a Film Series on the Ethics of Mental Health. Novel Tech Ethics (Dalhousie University) invites you to its fourth film series on the ethics of mental health. The four films have been chosen to highlight specific mental health issues. The screening of each film will be followed by a question and discussion period on the ethical issues provoked by the film. A panel of professionals, chosen for their knowledge and experience of the mental health issues involved, will respond to audience questions and offer further elucidations on the topic.
The Movie: "Rachel Getting Married" is a about the return of an estranged daughter to the family home for her sister's wedding. Kym's reemergence throws a wrench into the family dynamics, forcing long-simmering tensions to surface in ways both hilarious and heartbreaking.
For more info... http://bit.ly/5dbEXD
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 26th @ 8
Location: MacAloney room, 4th floor, Dalhousie Art Gallery (6101 University)
Behind the Scenes: Part of the film series Jane Austen: Wit and Realism, to accompany the exhibition Lord Dalhousie: Patron and Collector.
The Movie: At 10, Fanny Price, a poor relation, goes to live at Mansfield Park, the estate of her aunt's husband, Sir Thomas. Clever, studious, and a writer with an ironic imagination and fine moral compass, she becomes especially close to Edmund, Thomas's younger son. Fanny is soon possessed of beauty as well as a keen mind and comes to the attention of a neighbor, Henry Crawford. Thomas promotes this match, but to his displeasure, Fanny has a mind of her own, asking Henry to prove himself worthy. As Edmund courts Henry's sister and as light shines on the link between Thomas's fortunes and New World slavery, Fanny must assess Henry's character and assert her heart as well as her wit.
For more info... http://artgallery.dal.ca/events/filmvideo.html
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Thursday, January 28 @ 6
Location: Tantallon Public Library (3646 Hammonds Plains Road)
Behind the Scenes: Bring the family to a movie at the library, it’s fun and it’s free!
The Movie: Shawn Levy (CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, JUST MARRIED) directs the sequel of his hit film NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM. Night guard Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), now a successful entrepreneur, returns to the Museum of Natural History to visit his friends--the exhibits that come to life at night--only to learn that they are being shipped off into deep storage at the Smithsonian Institution. To make matters worse, the exhibits at the Smithsonian, including the pharaoh Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), are suddenly coming to life--and they aren’t at all happy about their new visitors. Determined to save his friends, Larry rushes to Washington, D.C., and makes his way into the inner workings of the largest museum complex in the world while Kahmunrah recruits the likes of Ivan the Terrible (Christopher Guest), Napoleon (Alain Chabat), and Al Capone (Jon Bernthal). Larry, meanwhile, finds himself with spunky Amelia Earhart (Amy Adams) as a co-conspirator and love interest, and General Custer (Bill Hader) leading the battle for the Smithsonian.
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Friday, January 29 @ 2
Location: Alderney Gate Public Library (60 Alderney Drive)
Behind the Scenes: The Saint Mary’s lecture series at Alderney Gate this winter is an Introduction to Shakespeare. To prepare, the library is presenting three films featuring two of his greatest works.
The Movie: No info on which version this is... the classic plot outline: Murder and violence, revenge and intrigue, sex and desire, paranoia and madness -- the heady brew of passion and emotion that makes up Shakespeare's great tragedy has intoxicated audiences of all ages. The story of the Prince of Denmark, who seeks revenge for his father's murder at the hands of his perfidious uncle, delves into fundamental issues about humanity and the nature of being.
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Friday, January 29 @ 6
Location: Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax (5500 Inglis St)
Behind the Scenes: The Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax Young Adult Ministry hosts a chili (vegetarian and meat options) dinner and movie ("Bent"). All young adults 18-35 are welcome to attend. Email for more information.
The Movie: Max is gay and as such is sent to Dachau concentration camp under the Nazi regime. He tries to deny he is gay and gets a yellow label (the one for Jews) instead of pink (the one for gays). In camp he falls in love with his fellow prisoner Horst, who wears his pink label with pride.
For more info... http://bit.ly/4CceS6
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Friday, January 29 @ 7
Location: Scotiabank auditorium, Saint Mary's University (923 Robie)
Behind the Scenes: International Week (IW) is an annual tradition that provides an opportunity for students and the wider community to learn more about issues pertaining to international development both within Canada and abroad. It provides an occasion to showcase international opportunities, and cultures, as well as activities that encourage discussion and sharing of ideas on issues that are of great concern. The theme this year is food and more importantly, food security.
The Movie: Directed by local filmmaker Timothy Barron Tracey - Where does food come from? Why are there so few young farmers? These are all questions addressed by “Feast Or Famine”. Our society has embraced a bigger, faster, cheaper model of food production, choosing convenience over sustainability. Large-scale mono crop farming has lowered the value of food, making it very difficult for small-scale farmers to make a living. In turn causing less and less youth to choose farming as a career. Knowledge that was traditionally passed on from generation to generation is slipping through the cracks. Why are so few youth choosing farming as a career?
For more info... http://internationalcentre.smu.ca/int-week.html

Cost: $6.99 (or $9.99 which includes a reg. popcorn & reg. drink)
Date/Time: Friday, January 29 and Saturday, January 30 @ 11:45 p.m.
Location: Park Lane (5657 Spring Garden Rd)
Behind the Scenes: Empire Fan Favourite is a film series hosted by Empire 8 Parklane dedicated to bringing classics back to the Big Screen. These are original 35mm prints, not re-mastered DVDs!
The Movie: Peyton Westlake is a scientist who has discovered a way to produce synthetic skin. This could revolutionise skin grafting, except for one minor glitch; the synthetic skin degrades after 100 minutes of exposure to light. When gangsters attack Peyton, he is horrifically burnt, and assumed dead. In his quest for revenge, Peyton, aka the Darkman, is able to take on the appearance of anyone (using the synthetic skin,) but he's only got 100 minutes per disguise.
For more info... http://www.empiretheatres.com/theatre/43
Cost: Free
Date/Time: Saturday, January 30 @ 8
Location: Bell Auditorium, NSCAD (5163 Duke St)
Behind the Scenes: Presented by AFCOOP - Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative (http://afcoop.ca).
The Movie: Every spring, China’s cities are plunged into chaos, as all at once, a tidal wave of humanity attempts to return home by train. It is the Chinese New Year. The wave is made up of millions of migrant factory workers. The homes they seek are the rural villages and families they left behind to seek work in the booming coastal cities. It is an epic spectacle that tells us much about China, a country discarding traditional ways as it hurtles towards modernity and global economic dominance.
For more info... http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=256984315958
That's it for this week! Have fun and lots of popcorn!
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